Saturday, July 17, 2010

Issue 3

I don't see any reason why I won't be done sketching Issue #3 tomorrow. Then you know the drill, ink, color, letter, and send it off to the printer. Still have absolutely no idea why comixpress isn't including it in their store. I'm not paying or anything, so it's not like they're screwing me, but still. It's very bizarre because their customer service has answered everything else pretty quickly, but I've sent four e-mails now asking about this and have gotten no reply.


  1. Did you get back the first and second issues at all? and if so, do you have extras that I can buy? and if so, can I eat them?

  2. Yeah, I can order as many personal copies as I want and sell them out the back of a station wagon if need be, but I can't seem to get it listed in their online store for some raisin.
