Thursday, June 27, 2013

How do I do it?

I don't know how many times I need the world to shut me out when I try to focus on other life pursuits outside of my comics and how many times I tell myself it will be "the last time" but I hope I can finally shut out everything and focus only on Century. I tried to make my life better, and things only got worse. It's almost as if I'm being shown some sort of cosmic sign that I don't belong here.

Century is the only thing that can't be kept from me. If there were a place for me away from it, I don't know if I could ever finish it. Maybe this forced professional failure and forced social solitude is the only reason it exists.

So halfway through May, I got back on track and started drawing again. The pencils and inks are complete on issue #3 of Journey to the Immortal City and I'm currently coloring it. Hopefully I can finish issue #5 before the end of September.