Thursday, February 10, 2011

New ideas are in motion.

No one wants to buy print comics online due to the plethora of free online digital comics. That kind of squashes my get rich quick scheme. So with so many comics online, how do I get ahead of the other guy? Motion comics on youtube is how. Once this first volume is completely revised and assembled as a trade paperback, I am going to work on adapting it into a motion comic. Hopefully I can include a link to where to purchase the book and maybe make a little cash while I'm at it. I love it when a plan comes together.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Aggressive Expansion

I still haven't finished lettering issue #5, but kind of was in the mood to work on the revisions to Issue #1. At a bit of a decision point. There is a different aspect ration between 1-3 and 4-5. So I'm wondering if I should expand the panels to be uniform, or just hope that no one notices the difference when I put them together in the collected volume.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Scanning Continues

Took me a while, but I finally scanned in a painting of mine with the wand scanner. Unfortunately it is such a long and time consuming process to piece it together in photoshop that I don't see how I'm going to do the step by step shots of the painting in process. I'll give it a shot, but I may end up having to just take step by step shots with my camera.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Bought a wand scanner today. I'm going to be making the painted cover soon for the TPB soon and needed a scanner capable of doing a larger size scan job. Unfortunately the scanner seems to warp the image and is making it nearly impossible to photoshop together. I don't know where this mythical wand scanner that they have at Fed Ex Office (formerly Kinkos) is. That is what everyone tells me to use except for the staff at Fed Ex Office who have no idea what I'm talking about and say their large format scanner is something you have to feed paper through and would not work with canvas board. I had hoped to do a step by step scan of the image, but this thing's just not working for me.